
Elementary Program: Elementary students who are identified as gifted may be served either in their home schools or through magnet programs.  In either case, students receive qualitatively differentiated instruction.  This may be provided through the enrichment strands of the language arts and mathematics programs, special projects, variations on class assignments or accelerated instruction.  Typically, GATE students who remain in their home schools are grouped in clusters to meet their instructional needs.  Students who opt to attend the magnet programs are assigned to classrooms where all students qualify for the GATE program.  Golden Elementary School houses the magnet program for Wagner. Further information can be viewed here.


Wagner Elementary is very proud of its GATE program as it continues to grow and change! GATE students at Wagner are clustered within the general education program with teachers that have been trained in the process of differentiated instruction.  Within the academic programs, these teachers provide GATE students with opportunities to accelerate, to enrich their learning experiences, and to be challenged in various ways.  For example, students have the opportunity to engage in Ivy League where they are exposed to many different genres of books; War of the Words and Battle of the Books; use of depth and complexity icons across curricular areas; DBQs (Data- Based Questioning) using primary and secondary sources; inquiry-based research projects; and Exploratory Math using advanced hands-on problem solving skills.  In this way, GATE students are continually challenged each day to develop their skills, abilities and talents.